Positive regard and respect for the people we support is at the centre of all workshops. Participants often report back that they came away feeling excited, inspired and passionate again about the work we do. Participants feel confident to put training into practice with fun, engaging and practical tools in their toolkit, and a fresh perspective on neurodiversity and behaviour as communication.
"I am re-thinking what is going on for my students, I feel much more prepared for Monday" - Understanding Sensory Needs in the Classroom Workshop Participant.
Story telling from years of clinical practice, as well as the lived experience of a Mum of a child born premature, these stories are shared sometimes with a laugh, sometimes with a tear. Elen's "down to earth" presentations make everyone feel welcome, connected to the training, and keep participants engaged and inspired across the whole day. Hands on activities are sprinkled throughout the day to support all the sensory regulation needs as well as the learning styles in the room.
"Elen is so enthusiastic and engaging - its infectious" - LEGO Therapy Training Participant."
"That was quietly profound, Thank you" - Connecting With Children Through LEGO Seminar - GP, Goodfellow Symposium 2023.
Theory and neuroscience underpin all the hands on activities to consolidate the learning without getting stuck in the jargon. Concepts and content is broken down and explained sequentially so it is easy to understand and apply the learning to your context immediately.
"It all makes sense now. After years of trying to understand it, it finally fits in my brain comfortably" - Sensory in 60 minutes Workshop Participant.
Elen is available for professional development, therapeutic team building workshops, events, or conferences, all of which can be tailored to the unique needs and skill level of your group.
There is usually a 6 month wait time for workshop spaces and professional development dates so please book or inquire early.
If you are located in the Hawkes Bay, Elen is available to run mini 1 hour workshops inside team meetings.
This workshop is a practical skills workshop.
Participants will explore different therapeutic uses of LEGO for use in clinic, in schools, in hospitals and in the home.
Developed from neuroscience principals, and occupational therapy frameworks, this training draws on theory to provide the foundation, but has a strong hands on, experientia
This workshop is a practical skills workshop.
Participants will explore different therapeutic uses of LEGO for use in clinic, in schools, in hospitals and in the home.
Developed from neuroscience principals, and occupational therapy frameworks, this training draws on theory to provide the foundation, but has a strong hands on, experiential learning component. Participants will build across the day as they learn different ways to use LEGO to support well-being in people of all ages.
Application of therapeutic use of LEGO includes but is not limited to:
"This workshop was the highlight of the conference for me" - Psychiatrist, Asia Pacific Women's Health Conference, Australia.
Wondering about the connection between Sensory and Behaviour? Implementing Trauma Informed practice, but still unsure of the role sensory plays? Working with children and not sure how to support emotional development? Feeling like the behaviour strategies are not quite working or don't sit right for the age of the child?
Children and young
Wondering about the connection between Sensory and Behaviour? Implementing Trauma Informed practice, but still unsure of the role sensory plays? Working with children and not sure how to support emotional development? Feeling like the behaviour strategies are not quite working or don't sit right for the age of the child?
Children and young people are busy developing an understanding of their sensory systems and their body, taking years to learn how to regulate their body and mind - well into their 20's.
Often we are jumping a few steps in childhood, expecting too much of our children developmentally such as self regulation, when we start using behaviour based strategies (consequences, rewards, talking through choices etc) too early. Emotions require a lot of time and experience to be understood. This starts with the adults around us letting us experience our feelings without punishment or reward, and supporting and guiding through the experience if needed. By helping little ones to feel safe when they experience feelings, they learn to understand them, and be able to safely act on them, not react to them.
Contact Elen to discuss a workshop which will demystify child development - Emotional regulation, Sensory regulation, attachment, attention, play, impulse control and behaviour, and ensure moving forward the plans in place for the children you support are truely developmentally appropriate and support growing great kids gently.
Elen is a qualified Sensory Integration Practitioner (OT-SI PGCert, Distinction, Hallam University, UK).
With an incredible depth of knowledge from both clinical practice and theory, Elen's Sensory Workshops or Professional Development can be tailored to non-OT teams to support SAFE implementation of sensory plans when an OT is not availa
Elen is a qualified Sensory Integration Practitioner (OT-SI PGCert, Distinction, Hallam University, UK).
With an incredible depth of knowledge from both clinical practice and theory, Elen's Sensory Workshops or Professional Development can be tailored to non-OT teams to support SAFE implementation of sensory plans when an OT is not available (such as RTLB, or regional DHB teams), or for multidisciplinary teams with OT's, PT's, SLT's, psychologists or counsellors, who are reaching for deeper understanding, assessment and implementation for complex clients or environment modifications such as ED departments, theatre & recovery, or trauma informed schools.
LEGO-Based therapy is an evidence based social skills program developed for people with Autism by Daniel Le-Goff. It has been successfully replicated across the world, and fits well into the New Zealand and Australian context. It is an excellent therapy model for clinicians and professionals with existing skills and knowledge in group th
LEGO-Based therapy is an evidence based social skills program developed for people with Autism by Daniel Le-Goff. It has been successfully replicated across the world, and fits well into the New Zealand and Australian context. It is an excellent therapy model for clinicians and professionals with existing skills and knowledge in group theory, clinical reasoning and Autism.
This therapy model coaches group participants to work as a team, using LEGO® in a structured way to achieve an outcome together as a group. The intrinsic value of LEGO® for the participants means that motivation and volition is naturally high, so learning of the social skills is accelerated.
Research has also shown the skills learned in the group naturally transfer well to other settings such as from the clinic setting to the
Elen Nathan is an Occupational Therapist who has specialised in Sensory Modulation and Autism. This full day workshop also includes how to structure a successful group using group theory, with tips and tools around using LEGO® for sensory regulation so the sensory needs of the group are met first to ensure all participants are regulated and sensorily organised, enabling them to participate in the group to their full capacity.
Elen is a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method facilitator, trained by the Association of Master Trainers.
The purpose of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is to create a safe place for 100% participation from all participants through the facilitation of reflective process, where the result is more participation, more insights surfaced, more engagement and, ultim
Elen is a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method facilitator, trained by the Association of Master Trainers.
The purpose of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is to create a safe place for 100% participation from all participants through the facilitation of reflective process, where the result is more participation, more insights surfaced, more engagement and, ultimately, more commitment and faster implementations.
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method (LSP) is a facilitated thinking, communication and problem solving technique for use with organisations, teams and individuals. It draws on extensive research from the fields of business, organisational development, psychology and learning, and is based on the concept of “hand knowledge.”
Using specialist LEGO®, carefully designed build challenges, and a facilitated discussion, the workshop is carefully designed around a primary concern or problem which is unpacked throughout the process.
Workshops are fun, engaging and work well for energising tired training needs, solving problems that have become embedded or entrenched, training a group of people with vastly different existing knowledge, creating a safe space for all voices to be heard equally no matter the persons role in the organisation, existing experience or skills, or belief systems, lifting and building positive group culture.
Contact Elen if you are interested in discussing workshop needs in your workplace.
"It's really hard doing training around Te Tiriti o Waitangi when you have team members brand new to the country, and team members living within Te Ao Maori. This training method gave everyone a voice, a chance to learn from each other safely, and made the training deeply meaningful to all participants"